It’s time folks! It’s time to kick off SHRSL’s 50th year as a recreational swim league. Can you believe it?
We are trying to get everything updated. The following information was sent to presidents, team reps, and coaches today! Would YOU like to get involved? Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get you plugged in somewhere!
GOOD AFTERNOON ALL! Can’t believe we are so close to kicking off the 2023 season.
Thank you so much for all the emails with updates!
1) IMPORTANT: Send updates accordingly via email. If you haven’t updated us, please update the following:
- Need your HEAD COACHES
- Need who you want on the communication distribution list (do not update the excel sheet, just send an email)
2) NEED RIBBON COUNTS: Look for an email from Christine on who she is missing.
3) IMPORTANT: Get your pool availability into the League ASAP. Meet schedules are starting this week. I haven’t heard from A LOT of teams that I know have issues.
4) MONEY: Invoices go out this week. Due 4/10.
- Swimmer Fee: $25 per swimmer (voted on at the August 2022 meeting)
- 2nd Invoice will be sent after 3rd meet
5) BACKGROUND CHECKS: PLEASE READ and SHARE: Jeff will send a “who is good” list for backgrounds. Only coaches have to have a check every year. Everyone else is every 3 years. This is costing us $9K a year, so let’s only have those that need to complete the background checks, submit. This is driving swimmer costs up – WE NEED YOUR HELP!
- Coaches yearly.
- See bylaws: the following do NOT need background checks: SJ, Timers, Concessions, Water Runners, Parking attendants, etc. (Tent parents is the big one).
- Board Members that have DIRECT CONTACT with swimmers, and the president: every 3 years.
- More on this note soon.
6) SWIMTOPIA: If you haven’t started registration, remember: Stripe is the ONLY OPTION for payments this year.
- We do not have access to your setup as individual teams b/c everyone does it differently. Please make sure the right folks have access to your Swimtopia account.
- DO NOT SET UP MEETS OF ANY KIND YET. We’ll set up templates and share them accordingly.
7) CONCUSSIONS: We will be sharing videos and discussing the proper way to teach DIVING. Our insurance is requiring this. More info coming soon.
- First Day of Practice: 4/24/2023
- MOCs: June 26 & June 27. No we do not know who is swimming on what date.
- All Stars: June 30 (Friday).
- First League Mtg (in person): April 2, 2023
- Best Practices Mtg (in person): TBA – mid March is the target on a weeknight. Does anyone have a meeting place we can use?
- Meet Dates:
- Meet 1: Virtual at your home pool. Use it as time trials…look for more communication on “final times”. Posting soon.
- Meet 2: May 30-31. Get it done during Memorial Day week.
- Meet 3: June 5
- Meet 4: June 12
- Meet 5: June 19
- MOC: June 26/27 at Don Cook Natatorium
- All Stars: June 30 at Don Cook Natatorium
9) SWIMSUITS: Lots of questions about “where to get swimsuits”….DJ Sports in Katy has been a sponsor of the SHRSL for years now. Highly recommended.
10) SHRSL League Mtg: 4/2/23…place TBA. We decided we’d save y’all from unnecessary “how are you doing” meetings and we are trying to respect your time. WE NEED YOU THOUGHT. This will be the DIVISIONS meeting. If you have something to say, now is the time to share. Please reply to this email.
Communicate with your USAS swimmers as the League voted in August to NOT ALLOW CLUB SWIMMERS and to KEEP THE BYLAWS as posted.
In celebration of the League’s 50th Anniversary, we are offering four senior scholarships this year. Can’t wait to share the specifics! Need some more sponsors – we want these Open swimmers to stick around!
Questions? Holler here! Mel is on the other end of this email, but most of y’all know that!
Be good and HAPPY HUMP DAY!