The SHRSL League is assuming that ANY and ALL swimmers submitted on a TM7.0 roster have turned in an official league Indemnity & Liability form to their respective teams – and that your coaches, board, League Board has immediate access to the forms should an emergency arise. Due dates for the League Liability forms are addressed in the bylaws and due dates on the website, per the SHRSL bylaws.
2014 REPORT CHANGES (in a nutshell)
- We are still requiring reports to be submitted via TEAM MGR 7.0
- See ROSTER Due Dates Below (4 TOTAL this yr – that’s all)
- Splash Reports & Meet Results are due by Wednesday (7pm) following each meet (Ex: June 9 meet “Splash Reports” are due by Wednesday, June 11 at 5pm)
- Splash Reports & Meet Results can be found under Meet Reports. This report will tell me EXACTLY who swam in the meet thus eliminated the MT/PT requirement.
- You may use the GROUP CODES for whatever your heart desires. Suggestion: Go ahead and mark your PT (practice team). I do NOT need the information….just a suggestion for your bookkeeping! You could use the group codes to label the AGE GROUPS (easier to run report filter).
- No multiple databases necessary for those on “practice teams” or clinics. ALL SWIMMERS entering the water under the name of a team are required to be on a roster. Mark them whatever – just need to be on a roster. This is MORE than communicated at meetings.
- 100 point deduction, per bylaws for reports not turned in on time.
TMgr7.0-SHRSL >>> Tutorial (.PPTX)
HyTek Information for 2014 SHRSL Season
Roster Due Dates:
An updated roster is due to Melanie ([email protected] or [email protected] ) PRIOR to your first team activity.
#1 | April/May – or whenever your first team activity is! A roster is due to Melanie ([email protected] ) PRIOR to your first team activity. (there should be NO “MT” designations)
#2 | June 4 – Deadline 12:00pm (noon)
#3 | July 4 – Deadline 12:00pm (noon)
#4 | July 9 – *FINAL OFFICIAL*Deadline 12:00pm (noon)
IMPORTANT: Team Manager/Pool Notes:
TEAM MANAGER NOTES for 2014: The following pools are METERS. Set your meet preferences accordingly!
- Sweetwater & Covington Woods & Sugar Land Sharks & Maplewood
- Commonwealth Piranhas Pool: FIVE (5) Lanes
HYTEK: Inputting Swimmer Information:
Swimmer ID numbers:
- Please place your team’s TWO initials IN ALL CAPS (please remove ALL ST – example: NTST – New Territory Swim Team) at the front of all swimmer numbers in the Swimmer ID field. (Example: NT101, ME296, GW-987.) As long as the OFFICIAL team initial is at the front of the ID number, you may use whatever number code post-team-initials of your choosing.
- Swimmer Information (personal information – emergency info included) shall be entered on each swimmer. The original swimmer ID number assigned by each team WITH THE TEAM INITIALS as the first two characters, will remain the swimmers’ number throughout the entire season.
- PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE ANY SWIMMERS from you rosters. If for some reason you have to, please email Melanie an explanation for the records and let her know so she can correct things on her end. Duplicate swimmers will be viewed as ineligible swimmers.
- Editing Athlete information: On the right side of the athlete information frame, is a GROUP setting. You may use the group settings for WHATEVER YOU WISH (2014)
- Reports are run each time a roster is submitted and compared to the previous rosters for an accurate swimmer count. These are official counts and will be returned back to you within 48 hours. The official team count should NEVER be smaller. Any discrepancies should have handled IMMEDIATELY, so we don’t “lose” a swimmer.
- Remember – you may only have 200 swimmers on your COMPETITIVE TEAM roster. HyTek’s Team Manager software offers wonderful reports that will show you EXACTLY how many athletes you have in the system. See REPORTS on the main menu tabs.
- PLEASE use the export team roster function found under FILE > Export Athlete/Team…..see setup information below. Send me the ZIP file (not Excel, not PDF…just the Zip)
- **VERY IMPORTANT** When emailing rosters, please use your Team Name & Team Initials in the SUBJECT LINE. Saving your exports with your initials in the file name would help me tremendously!
Questions & Comments:
- Please remember: Official rosters for each team are due by 12:00pm (noon) on the dates listed above. Rosters not submitting properly will result in a 100 point forfeiture at your next meet until a correct roster is submitted.
- SPLASH REPORTS for each team are due by 12:00pm (noon) at 5pm on Wednesday following each meet. Not submitting properly will result in a 100 point forfeiture at your next meet!
- The league reserves the right to request additional rosters should the need arise.
If you used HyTek last year and want to keep the information, START AN NEW DATABASE. BACK UP DATABASE first. Select FILE > RESTORE, rename your new database. This will set things up EXACTLY like it was in TM6.0, including athletes. Choose your team accordingly.
Set Up- Preferences (found in the links at the top of your screen)
Click on….
Gender Designation Boys/Girls (B/G)
Athlete Browser Show Ages
Show Birthdate
Last Name First
State/Province Labels TX
Team/Swimmer Defaults
- Default Team Reg OTH
- Default Team Type REC
- Default Country USA
- Default LCS GU (or leave blank)
- Default State TX
Meet Age-Up Date 05/31/2014
System Age-Up Date 05/31/2014 (or current year)
** If you have all of this set up correctly, TM7.0 will NOT allow you to only enter ONE of the dates. It will force you to enter both. If you are NOT asked for both, check your DEFAULT TEAM TYPE…..
Set Up – Groups or SubGroups (found under SETUP/PREF’s) – you may need to ADD A GROUP. Found under File > SetUp > Groups/SubGroups/Codes
Add new groups – make sure you are clicking the box for GROUP
All registered swimmers are considered active for correct counts for insurance purposes and must be shown on HyTek reports for proper insurance coverage and records. ALL SWIMMERS. No exceptions.
EXPORTING Athlete Roster: You will need to export a ATHLETE ROSTER and attach it to an email and send to Melanie ([email protected] OR [email protected] ) (see below). This export function is found under FILE – EXPORT – ATHLETE/TEAM. It is VERY EASY; however, remember where you saved it. J I save mine to my desktop so I can find it easily. This will be a ZIP file. Just send the entire ZIP file. NOT AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET.
Melanie Remy 281.543.7803 | [email protected] / [email protected]