SHRSL - Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League


Greetings Swim People

I hope everyone’s 1st meet of the season wasn’t too stressing.  If so, the good news is you have 4 more chances to improve on procedures then you can forget it all until next year!

I have received results from all but 4 teams.  This week was our learning week since this procedure was new to everyone.  I’m sure next week will be better.  To help your stats / computer / communications volunteers out here is a list of what is needed each week.

  1. Every Monday upon completion of the meet send your scores by text or email to your Division VP and to Melanie Remy.  [email protected]or [email protected]
  2. Every Tuesday by noonscan & email the official score sheet to Melanie at either above address.
  3. Every Tuesday by 5pm(this is a change in deadline time) send to me, Debbie Floyd, your results to [email protected] . In Team Manager go to File –> Export –> Meet Results.  Be careful to click on the proper meet!  This will be a zip file.  I cannot do anything with a Word, Excel or PDF. (Splash reports are a different thing and I will address that later).  When creating this zip file please note the number of individual and relay results you are sending.  I will reply to each email with the number I imported.  This will always match.  If not, we’ve got a problem.
  4. The next roster is due on Friday 7/3/15 by noon.  No athletes can be added after this date.  Send that to [email protected].  Again NO EXCEL, PDF OR WORD FILES!!  Go to File –> Export –> Athletes/Teams
  5. Then on Tuesday 7/7/15 by noonsend me your results file & a splash report.  I have to have these reports in from every team before I can setup the post season meet file.  There will be further instructions to the coaches concerning post season later.  To create the Splash Report go to Reports à Meet Reports à Number of Meets Attended/ Splashes.  Please send in PDF attached to an email.  This report will tell me how many meets each athlete swam in.  It should match what is in my database.  If it doesn’t, we’ve got a problem!  Remember, to be eligible for post season competition the athlete must have swam in 2 dual meets.  You might want to be proactive and check your Splash reports each week.

To those teams that haven’t sent your results to me there is a consequence per the By-Laws for not sending in these reports on time.  I am waiving that consequence this week since this is the first time to do it this way but next week, no leniency.  Entering times in the computer is an easy thing to do.  Every home team must provide an area for the data entry people that is covered with access to electricity. Every team needs to have a data entry person/s.  I can train someone in 10 min on how to enter the times.  Use a teenage sibling that is no longer swimming or a Grandma (yes, even us old farts can learn new tricks J ! ).  Get your times entered at the meet so you can get the reports sent out on Tuesday.

Enjoy your weekend.

Peace & Blessings

Debbie Floyd

SHRSL Registrar
