The first league meeting is Sunday, Feb 19 at 4pm (the location to be announced). Please check the web site for all the meeting dates, times, & locations . All teams that will participate with Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League in 2012 MUST have a team representative at each league meeting. Suggestions for by-law or rule changes that were presented at the last meeting in 2011 will be brought up for discussion and/or vote at the first meeting and the season schedule will be discussed.
Last year our insurance carrier began requiring us to run a background check on all coaches 18 & over. A new, updated disclosure form will be sent to you in a few days and will be posted on our website for you to download & print as needed. You are required to have EVERY coach fill out the disclosure form and get those forms to me before your first practice. No background check will be run on the coaches under 18 but the League Board must have these forms on all coaches.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Feb 19. Time / Place TBA
Debbie Floyd
SHRSL VP Communications